Contacting TL Tech Securely
We understand that your data is sensitive. We only store and access information (including email) over secure, encrypted channels, providing you and us with the best security possible. However, we also understand that sometimes it's difficult for you to send us sensitive data without allowing it to transit insecure networks.
To solve this problem, we've added a mechanism that allows you to encrypt your data before sending it to us using the same ultra-secure public key technology used by banks, governments, and security-conscious organizations across the world.
If your organization has access to PGP encryption software (such as PGP or GnuPG), you can simply import the PGP public key at the bottom of the page to encrypt your documents.
On the other hand, if you would prefer to use S/MIME to encrypt your email, simply instruct your mail client to use the S/MIME certificate attached at the bottom of this page. Most email clients already include S/MIME encryption capability built-in, so you should not need to download any further software.
As a convenience, you can instead encrypt the data using the software on this server, using the form below.
Data Encryption Form
Simply compose or paste your text in the following form and hit the "encrypt" button. You can then paste the resulting data anywhere you like, such as an email message, with the peace-of-mind knowing that absolutely nobody can decipher it but us.
PGP Public Key
To perform the encryption on your own computer using PGP-compatible software, simply import and use the following public key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEwT9+gRBADO9FMer2SQ+oMKTrVcKqYdegRcY/k3maocrYRVGFy4ByLd5YSg r9X5cSVq/0at6Y7YLEURNd6r3RMcqED26GsBbh2UR4syUdBY4i8TTZ6UPIm4E+hx 7r4f78etQx/zRrr+Qf9fHFHSNvHfAvbKkaH4sAskgxSgLgTttIEa+HlKFwCg+BMa OKvPdEl88dpGah5zJAqFR7sEAI+rQX3+53e9qc0SmD+RDbDq4fWBoW9jlGAFVIKp 79VDZBELy1ThBPYfIX0b8Bcgk7BPuZaFWxYznxdKSORttZHW98i+/om/PwVDZe4O LwTxcEDWURfQnIIizSONrTBZJJ09DsZN8D2bPn7gGaATX5BtRex+KT+CM5CUoSqS /Td4A/0aHqfJqzRuktxuvSAYivpQVMJ352577x6YohKHKacrXcEqcXD53NyFO2WT K6i8UJb25xAj5EzHK9+wb64WLOMQ5zTrZ+VH7n7IxvyBeKPISoEaKtexmEQwKu4s AaIqE3tleV2GyrmLCZTJCkETnuChl8bPU3XHkrFvygK/d9KFOrQbVEwgVGVjaCA8 c2VjdXJlQHRsdGVjaC5jb20+iGAEExECACAFAkwT9+gCGwMGCwkIBwMCBBUCCAME FgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBZWPav+AnN44WrAJ4x4J45voRz8NmQw1wsiHdqpQeK9ACf QJXzIem/ApfjnpT5EM1ipKZPPDK5Ag0ETBP38BAIAMdNM5MQ6FHseFREH0C5hJvD gXWh7Xev50JxvKMS3EO1Z4ZVaR3e7ln8yJ+gOZaebXbGW5t2dMAD0YgR7E+n8o6H LjKQo5iqo6aTYCCulb0wjZnDeNSnUI7NKjiyMKwJdaEbapEKGMvhRKYnE9SdvPXJ oqc+/9shq3dZ+wBOY84P4BxQtKVo/W6bbXO6o3OKdmqXBMApaD4cgQFruZrnsdri NWWwLeJrWhJFD1/qBce+xWS7xzxTcc5+J2OR7++ARfkwSaa4z185JR/6IH4plBSZ p9A1eib31NRl+srOXvIXtglthaD8AhXmnqsLZu2TR/8pAnOAIWuGIQ53otCHZusA AwUH/RxndHGRBGKYKGPyzhy7BwMj6+0bDwFeVKe0mfZN4U1I/H29P1OE7YWr86tU 5efuHRfR7XTkXmbU0NZfFBp0QlLbl7DccsAl1hRhoyYngxVHeYAayxrOQzptjme0 j3XGwBhhKEYxTF/BZaVti7I2hk5YaW+zpKiQCEU1J8Ye2fzSEow9ndBT8FArkNza eSHJ8KcvQJKWuV3No/6yh+j6xQnIixUx6VsFfb+EqQQnl+RXqM6n2bEvPsWaFTB5 1bq+EjPW051tfrMEJ6Q43hZRmudUwESTekaVlAbCh/74E2a5XC0cxX8gMaaVgUFF 1wKtQGxBrZ94PbwJ0JbXahtVd7+ISQQYEQIACQUCTBP38AIbDAAKCRBZWPav+AnN 4zjAAKDzqlgr7VTSs1XFTHRYeVPsrcfPQQCgmaxa+Vg80e/YOnub0+GL4/mKxKI= =78o0 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----